A book with blank pages will never sell!
But a book with blank pages is much better than a book with scribbled pages since the blank pages offer a chance to fill the pages with meaningful content!
Anyone can reform at any stage and further live life to find value in life!
Their life books may hold illegible contents in the first few chapters but the later chapters can be written in a way to communicate the values of life!
None is born a wise author but many do learn from their life lessons to write a book that illuminates wisdom!
The number of pages in a book wouldn't define the value, but rather the values in the pages of the book!
A book isn't weighed by its weight but by the height of inputs in the book!
A book goes for binding only when the last page is filled hence the prewritten pages can always be rewritten to make the book, legible!
It's widely believed that 'judging a book by its cover isn't wise'
And so is judging a person by their past life!
There's hope for a good book till the author realizes the values and self-corrects to fill the pages with values!
The irony is 👉 rewritten pages of a book convey more value than prewritten pages!
Hence it is important to focus on writing a book of value than writing a book for the sake of it!
I believe it is never too late for a person to self-correct and self-direct to walk on the right path in life!
And I also believe that a self-realized person can rewrite their book to find value in the pages before the book is sent for binding!
After all, any book, irrespective of the author will either find the bookshelf or the dustbin depending upon the content on the pages!
Hence it's never too late to write a book or rewrite but an author must make sure that the contents of the pages aren't outdated!
I invite the reader's views on the above inputs 🙏