A boy wished to grow into a muscular adult and he achieved it!
As an adult, he wished to amass wealth, which he achieved!
The rich man wished to marry a supermodel and he got married!
As a husband, he wished for lovely children which was blessed!
He wished for powerful status which he gained!
But something was nagging and so he took a world voyage to sort this!
He realized that the lack of peace despite all his life luxuries is the cause for the feeling and so he sought the guidance of a Guru to help him find peace!
The guru took him deep into a jungle and vanished!
Perplexed and scarred, the man wandered for a long time and finally sat down beneath a tree for he was exhausted!
Nothing came to his rescue 👉 neither technology nor his status nor people and at that moment he realized that 👇
We come into this world with nothing and leave with nothing and all that happens in between
Are nothing but an illusion (maya)
Despite his situation, he smiled because he realized that peace is within a person and not to be found in external factors 🌱