A bullet fired from a gun travels at an average speed of 2500ft per second
A ball thrown by a normal person travels at an average speed of 74ft per second
The propollent (bullet) quality and quantity derive muzzle velocity which accelerates the bullets speed
A person's stamina, fitness, arm strength, flexibility, stand and focus accelerate the balls speed
A trained person can throw a ball at a speed of 156ft per second which is almost double the speed of an average person's throw
Now there are custom designed ball throwing robots that match a professional throwers speed
Imagine a future humanoid with trajectory speeds that equal the muzzle velocity of a rifle
Ball throwing games will take a different dimension
When similar principles are applied in developing a Brain interface that functions under AI codes for BCI
Human's skills will altogether be a different ball game :)
The base of constant innovation is directly proportional to growth in technology
Hence in growth, human's need to find a fine balance between Positivity & Negativity :)
Looking forward to your thoughts on future technology and human interactions :)