A strech of barren land longed for the birds to come and nest but knew that it was 'day dreaming'
Far at sight, clouds gathered at the sky and rolled towards the land to pour out it contents
The land heaved a sigh of relief and drank the rain water to its hearts content
In a few sunny days, a seed sprouted and the barren land clapped and made efforts to grow the grass
Under two monsoons, the land turned green and indeed the birds began to flock to land on the land to check their future
In a decades time, there wasn't any trace of the barren land since there stood deep woods in its place
Like the first seed that made the difference in the barren land, the first thought that a writer pen is the beginning of the flow of creative thoughts which evolve the writer in a person to share valuable inputs
Over a decade, the writer seeds such valuable insights in their writing that the writer is identified as a personify of writing