Aarumuga, Skanda, and Muruga denote the 6 faces of knowledge and Lord Subramanya, the God of war, and the Potent form of Energy!
How do the six faces of Lord Karthikeya relate to a human's life?
There are six stages in life between birth and death 👇
Infant - Adolescent - Youth - Middle age - Senior age - Ripe age
There are Six negative characteristics in a human that prevent self-realization 👇
Kama (lust) - Krodha (anger) - Lobha (greed) - Mada (arrogance) - Moha (delusion) - Matsarya (jealousy)
'Arishadvargas', the term in Sanskrit which means the six enemies of a rational thinking mind that denies the soul to attain Moksha
Six potent energy chakras in the human body that can propel a person to attain salvation are 👇
Muladhara - Swadhisthana - Manipura - Anahata - Vishuddhi - Aagya
These are the gateways for a human to enter at their own will to escape the perils of life
Lord Subramanya is that form of potent energy, His six faces educate us to self-realize the six common negativity in our characters
His potent energy form directs us to tap into the six potent chakra powers to attain enlightenment
The state of Oneness is when the mind, body, and soul synch to find the Oneness at the Sahasrara
This is the stage at which the Atma realizes the materialistic attachments with the six vices and learns to exit
To find the eternal happiness of life!
On this Thaipoosam day, I soulfully prostrate in front of Lord Aarumuga and seek His guidance to walk the soulful path of attaining Moksha 🙏🏼