Bathing Times ?
The other day, while driving on the outskirts of Bengaluru city, we chanced upon a large lake brimming with water 💦
Mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the lake and the surroundings, we wound down the car windows to have a better look!
The cool breeze flowing from the lake's surface caressed our faces and inspired our hearts to take a break by parking the cars near its banks!
There was this narrow rough path with thick bushes on both sides leading to the shoreline which we walked to reach the waters 💦
A typical scene of rural life opened in front of our eyes to feast on the beauty of nature!
The lake stretched far to merge with the foothills that lined up on the opposite bank and the reflection of the peak on the lake water made us feel as though the "lake has swallowed the peak"
The bleating of the goats 🐐 caught our attention to a commotion close by and we walked up a little further to find a village couple herding a herd of goats 🐐 and prodding them to enter the waters 💦
The goats refused to budge despite repeated shouts and pushing by the goatherder which forced the man to drag the goats into the water and bathe them, one by one!
He stood at knee-deep water and scrubbed the goats to clean them of dirt and impurities that had gathered over the days!
The moment he let go of a goat 🐐 after the bath, the livestock swam at a rapid speed, climbed on the shore and turned to stare at the man which kind of conveyed "Next time you drag me into the water and that's the end of our relationship"
The woman using her magic wand (stick) kept the herd from wandering and made sure that the freshly bathed goats didn't snuggle with the unclean ones!
The lone kid (baby goat) was sparred from the ritual and was tenderly cared for by the woman till its mother had her bath!
Goats instinctively seem to dislike water and try their best not to wet the hooves since some were down the line they still feel that a wet hoof is a slippery business!
A little further away, another villager was bathing a buffalo which appeared to be enjoying the rare luxury and made no attempts to step out of the water 💦
Come to think of these scenes that unfolded, aren't we, the humans🚶are also displaying similar characteristics when it comes to bathing?
Anyways that "hour near the shore" was refreshing despite the sun ☀️ shine bearing down on us though a few of us got a bit tanned!
Until another day around another lake, We bid our goodbyes to the rural life and drove back to our urban life to resume the mundane lifestyle 🙈