Behavioural Science, Reading Thoughts!
Have you noticed the pet dogs changing their behaviours as per the mood of the master?
They show their emotions by wagging their tail and by the movements of the tail
Behavioural Science is a nature induced quality in all life forms and that includes us, the humans
Of course, we evolved to learn, unlearn and relearn these subjective actions in humans
A deep study on our behavioural patterns revealed four basic personality types > Normal, Reserved, Exemplary and Self-centred
This research indicated a preset pattern in physical actions which correlated with the thought process of a person
As an example let's take our close family members, by our long association with them their body language become obvious to us and we will easily read their thoughts
This is a vast subject and those who have studied deeply or learnt from their long life journey can read other person thoughts just by observing their body language
One caution in advance is, kindly avoid judging people because despite in-depth knowledge we will often miss reading a person, completely
Telepathy is a valuable science but treated as pseudo till now for lack of evidence but sooner once AI interact with ML, neuroscience will prove
Of course, it's a subject for a different day at a different time 🙏🏼