Big hearts win hearts, than big bodies
The little squirrel 🐿️ was observing the commotion at the sea shore
It's the first time that such a large gathering of Vana Naras (monkeys) is sighted at this site
The squirrel's attention was drawn to a divinely human who appeared to be guiding the mass
The squirrel felt a sense of belonging and wished to be of some assistance to this divinely person
Running a bit closer to the scene of action, the squirrel realised that the team of Vana Naras were busy building a bridge over the ocean
It couldn't fathom on the engineering skills but realised that 'sand' is a component of the material composition to build the bridge
Without second thoughts, the squirrel wet its body in the sea water, rolled on the sand, ran up the bridge and shook its body to deposit the sand on the bridge
The squirrel was so focused on its mission that it lost track of time and the number of times it repeated it's act of sand depositing
The divine person who witnessed the kind act of the squirrel was moved by its gesture and fondly caressed the squirrel 🐿️
The squirrel felt peaceful at the touch and wished to be of service forever to the divinely human
A fond smile appeared on the divine person face who in a gentle voice, thanked the squirrel for its support
The squirrel was so overwhelmed that it ran up the bridge to shout at the top of its voice to express its moments of happiness
At that moment, the squirrel chanced on its reflection on the sea water and saw the 3 lines on its back
Bewildered it turned to look at the divine person who clarified that
The three lines are His blessings to the squirrel family as a token of His gratitude for its timely contribution for a noble cause
The squirrel prostrated in front of the divine person who is none other than
Sri Ram of Ramayan era
& the bridge where the squirrel fulfilled the purpose of its birth
Is the Ram Sethu, that supported the army of Sri Ram to cross the ocean and rescue
Ma Sita
Though tiny by physical size, the squirrel was large in service because of its big heart that won the other hearts ❤️