Brother's on a Stroll ?
Humanity I belive is found on Brotherhood, bonded by love, balanced by caring & sharing
Brother's born from the same womb, growing together in similar environment but cultivating different qualities !
What could be the cause ?
Like the thumb impression, each of us are unique in some way, irrespective of the line of birth
If there can be variations in physical appearance, so shall be in characters too
Aside from the individual, the society also play a part in making a person, like for example, say a child is short in stature
The mocking by friends, frequent remarks by near & dears, slowly build a circle of insecurity around that child
Which force the introvert quality in character and the child grow up as a shy person, lacking self confidence
Begin to hate everyone and everything around, as well turn into a recluse
Unless there is timely self remedial measures taken by the individual or motivated by other to exit from the shell
There's bound to be a sea of difference in qualities, characters and performance between brothers of the same blood
But isn't this how the world works !
Ask anyone, they would for sure say that 'all five fingers aren't the same'
If so why should individuals be, they too would obviously won't be the same
Ofcourse the wise will realise that 'fingers' are natural but characters and qualities can be self made
An occasional stroll on brotherhood does help to realise that - all is not lost and there's always time to change 🙏