Child πΆ in Adult π§
The child inside me stepped out at the sight of the new bicycle π²
Though known for childish approach to life, this time the childish joy was for real!
Picture here portrays me striding a Stryder bicycle π² from the TaTa's stable gifted to me by my dear children!
Named as 'Street Fire'π₯, this beauty on wheels did kindled the fire at my heart to long for one!
As I felt the bicycle π² my mind set the clock back by half a century to unwind the scene at my parental home π‘ during my teenage times!
I saw all the placards that I had hung all over the home as a protest and demand from my dad π¨ to buy me a bicycle π²
This novel way of pleading for a bicycle worked and soon I was the proud owner of a Raleigh bicycle π²
Me and Raleigh covered miles over the years and that buddy never let me down even during crucial hours!
In between these 50 years, I would have rode, driven many a different machines but the satisfaction of placing my feet on the pedal again is none comparable!
Unlike the placards demand with my dad to buy me a bicycle, this time just a heartfelt wish for a Stryder was at once addressed by my children!
O my God, the truth hit me hard that the 50 years hasn't improved my financial ability to buy a bicycle but to wish for one!
But the child in me wasn't bothered about this fact, rather rejoiced at the sight of the street fit Street Fire π₯
As I sat on the seat and held the handle bars of my Stryder, I resolved to forget the past and live joyfully in the present to relish the moments before I breath my last!
Me and my current buddy, the Stryder have miles to cover which the bicycle acknowledged with a melodious hum as I pedalled the first mile!
We don't need to own a space ship π to find the joy of life since a simple bicycle π² as a gift from our children can bring out the child in us to find the joy of life π