suryanarayanan k
2 min readApr 25, 2024

Chose your team, grow with the team

A person may own many ships but can’t keep the ships sailing unless ably assisted by dedicated and skilled captains
The success of the founder of a shipping conglomerate depends on their acumen to identify the ideal captains and empower them to choose their team of sailors and steer the ships to sail over the oceans
It is imperative to give a free hand to the captains to perform and back them with the required support 'in time' to enable them to sail the ships on time
Whether it’s the ships on the seas or organisations on the land, the above principle applies to succeed
A founder must remember that their thoughts and actions should synch with their team’s feedback since these inputs are vital to concluding future performances
As the world progresses, so would the technology and the system of internal functioning among employees, hence constant connection with the team members and periodical upgradations to suit the growth mode are of utmost importance for the founders
During voyages, the ships would be tossed by turbulent seas and may sink if the captains fail to steer effectively
The founders would be tossed by turbulent business times and may end up bankrupt
Hence a founder while building a ship at the dockyard must parallelly build a passionate, dedicated and skilled team of sailors to keep the ship sailing
And so should the founders of conglomerates

* It's Team Work that Works and not just an individual vision or mission or dedication

suryanarayanan k

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