Divine souls should rather stay on earth than return to heaven
As the fire 🔥 consumed the mortel remains of the 'gem of a person' which the divine soul chose to exit
The scene at the cremation ground unfolded with 1/2 dozen bodies in line awaiting to be cremated
The stray philosopher in me surfaced in my thoughts and began to ponder
The scene in my mind auto shifted to the maternity ward in a hospital where 1/2 dozen new borns were awaiting to be united with their mothers
Apart from the numerical values tallying in terms of birth and death, isn't the time between the maternity ward and graveyard defines the actual lifetime?
Though this period of lifetime differs from person to person, birth and death are always at actuals
What makes a life worthy of the lifetime rests in the good deeds rendered by respective persons during their lifetime
And that's exactly what this divine soul did during its lifetime on this earth by living the entire life caring for others and never for selfcare
Benevolent, selfless, compassionate and a dedicated family person, the godly guardian of 'padmalaya', nourished with complete devotion for this Banyan of home to spread wide, grow tall and strong
Dozens of family members have flourished because of his care and have stayed united by his embrace
To list his good deeds in his lifetime will fill many pages but his soul will feel hurt for highlighting his lifetime deeds
Hence I chose to thank the soul for all the love and care showered on us during the lifetime and pray for Moksha
May the Atma of SPS merge with Brahmatma 🙏
*Selfless souls are rare birth and blessed are those who were cared by such divine souls