Excessive is obstructive!
Anything in excess can negate the purpose!
A healthy diet is at say 1.3 kg of food for an average adult per day!
We humans normally get tempted to taste a little more of our favorite food and this leads to an increased consumption over time!
If left unchecked or controlled, obesity takes over the thus far, fit physique which causes physical ailments in the senior year!
Wise to keep an eye on the quantity consumed!
An average adult can sustain 8 hours of work in a day and can stretch by an hour or two!
Physical exertion or in other words the quantum of expenditure of energy during physical activity will set in if the average working hours exceed daily!
Working consistently for long hours is proven to cause work stressors that negatively impact mental health in terms of anxiety and depression!
Wise to keep a check on the emotional and physical drain due to excessive work demands!
Productive human desires like a nice home 🏠, a lovable family, food on the table, a prosperous profession, a healthy lifestyle, a decent bank balance, and a lively circle of friends & relations also turn unsatisfactory at a stage where the mind begins to long for 'what is not available'
Wise to rein in the mind to find satisfaction with what is available and desire what is reasonable!
Love in abundance can also cause hardships!
True love transcends all barriers because of its depth rather than its enormity!
Love in excess is either misused or used as a missile to destroy human relations!
Wise to realize whom, where, when, and how to shower with love to derive the desired results!
Words must be in measure to spell else the situation will become hell!
Words are expressive and are the medium to share feelings hence it can either build or demolish relationships!
Words posses the power to change the listeners moods and can ignite a spark of hope or erase their self confidence!
Words hold dual power, they can easily hurt and as well heal hearts!
Wise to measure and weigh the words before spelling them and to make sure that they aren't spilled!
Kala (time) itself runs as per measure (clock) and weighs the deeds of individuals in their lifetime!
If so, isn't it imperative to run our life with measures on morale and ethical values?
Well, lets not exceed the limits of life to lead a meaningful life 🌱