Face can change! So can Life!
Feel the Soul to build long-lasting relationships 🤝
The smile in the face is replaced with anger, disappointment, resentment and hatred based on situations in life
Outwardly, the good part of a person is what is seen or experienced till a situation reveals the other side of the person
We meet many people in our life and a few of them may travel with us in the journey of our lives
How long the companionship sustains depends on the synchronisation of thoughts and actions
Typically, companionships last till the purpose isn't lost as the bond is intact only till the minds remain united
One sided relationship, ie one person compromising may sustain the companionship but will not yield mutual gains or happiness
Hence, to build long-term relationships or companionships, it is advisable to find the other side of people
By either identifying from any incidents or by creating a situation which reveals the hidden character
The benefit of early deduction will strengthen the foundation for long-lasting relationships/companionships
Purpose of people meeting and building long lasting relationships may vary but can sustain only when the core values remain intact
Facing adverse situations in our life because of unhealthy relationships is basically due to our lack of focus on others intentions in building such relationships
No structure will stand for long if the foundation is weak
No relationship will sustain for long if the mutual intentions serve a different purpose
Better to realise the compatibility at an early stage before it turns too late to straighten out at a later date
Sowing a seed in infertile soil and nourishing the same will not result in a healthy plant
Sowing the seed of relationship/companionship in unworthy minds and trusting them will not build long-lasting bonds
So feel the soul of a person to find the path to walk together than to see the face of the person and choose the path to walk
Think twice before diving says the golden rule, hence it's wise to analyse prior to taking the dive into relationships or companionships 🤝