Have you noticed that a puppy displays initial hesitation to come closer to us, the puppy takes its time to acknowledge and build the confidence to trust us
Once the puppy finds natural connectivity with us it would seldom reject our company
Most of the species possess a similar quality including our race, the humans
Introvert and extrovert is not just a genetically engineered character, mostly a cultivated quality
Hence a determined mind can evolve from negativity to positivity
I followed these three practices to change my mindset from a typically shy personality to a self-motivated person
✔ I stopped focusing on the group as a group but as a gathering of fellow humans, this brought a change with my approach to others in a group
✔ I worked upon my mind to stay focused on the topic and remain with the flow
✔ I stopped unnecessarily getting stressed on the possible mistakes and stammering, relaxed my thoughts and allowing the mind to be at ease
It is a well-known fact that all of us begin with our baby steps to stride as an adult
Similarly, begin to take your baby steps in the direction to bring a change in your mindset
And near soon you will find your mind exiting the preconceived notions
Just stop thinking much about this and that will be your first right step to evolve 👍