High rise residence does raise awareness
The past 120 hours has kept us at approx 160' from the ground level
Yes, life at the 14th floor is a new experience of seeing the faraway horizon without walking up to the shore
All life activity at the ground level appears as tiny toys in action and the skyline boasting the skyscrapers aren't challenging to view
A thought struck my mind 👉 while a meagre height of 20' can give the jitters, how is that the mind has accepted to live peacefully at this height of 160'
What made us sleep without the scary dreams of falling from this height and how do people go about life without the worry of these skyscrapers turning them as scraps
Is it due to the trust in the strength of the structure or is it because 'skyscrapers' are the new type of homes in the sky or is it because, others are happily living at these heights?
I think it's because of the stability of these structures built by the ability of technology which strengthened their sustainability that built the confidence in the residents
Sitting at the sitout, 160' above the ground and looking at the sight that lets my eyes scan far and wide
I felt a bit closer to life in the sky which made me to feel like a bird minus the wings, managing to stay suspended in the air
I don't know how theoretically it is possible to prove this theory of a bird without the wing managing to float in the air
But that's how I am feeling right now sitting at the sitout, 160' from the ground
Those days of hang gliding soared in my mind but those were different times with a wing at the span
Leave me, to think of those hundreds of humans who joyfully share the sky with the birds to live at these heights is a marvel to store in the mind
Skyscrapers are here to stay and so are the happy residents to live in the sky ☁️