Holidays can be Jollydays!
Does recreation mean deriving pleasure from spirits to raise one's spirit?
Giggle juice is juicy only till the physique and purse could afford beyond which it further complicates life
Rejuvenation is the core value which most of us aspire to derive from leisure activities and vacations
When the mind feels fresh, the body is more agile and the person regains an energetic state
To attain this 👇
Have you ever tried taking a stroll in the woods or lying in the hammock reading a book?
Have you ever tried your hands in tilting the soil to sow a seed and water the plant?
Have you ever felt the petals of a flower and admired its beauty?
Have you ever tried waking up at dawn and practicing Surya Namaskar?
If not so far, do try any of the above and if possible, all the above from tomorrow and see the difference in your thoughts
Your mind will feel so fresh that the day ahead will no longer be challenging, rather joyful
Remember that a vacation is more full when the mind experiences nature's ambience by connecting the body and mind with nature through the above mentioned activities
Holidays can be Holy days or Hell days, the choice is ours to make
*To make the recreation or leisure activities as blissful moments, chose to connect with nature more than with the stimulant pleasures