In entrepreneurship or in a profession
Each opportunity will have multiple opportunities hidden in that -
For example let’s look at a job offer -
Each job will have a defined role and would require a relevant skill to justify the role
General applicants will focus on that position and prepare themselves to secure that role and in the event they fail to succeed, they will begin to look elsewhere
But an applicant who thinks a bit differently will begin to look at the other roles that are available in the same organisation and prepare the plan B efforts in case of failure to secure the original role
A tree as a whole will appear as a tree but when our views are segmented, we will begin to see the various parts of the tree 🌴
So are opportunities which when we aspire to explore, the inner laying opportunities in the same opportunity will surface to our sight
Our world is full of opportunities which is visible to those who aspire to explore and such people get to succeed in their visions and missions
Be it an entrepreneur or a professional, what will make the difference between a successful person and a unsuccessful person is their ability to keep exploring and not surrendering to situations
Remember that a jackfruit will appear as a single fruit at the first glance but when sliced, the multiple fruit bulbs inside is ours to taste
So are opportunities in this world 🌍
Let’s learn to look more deeper and broader to improve our vision to view what’s hidden from our plain sight
Because that’s how inventions and innovations happen, so let us learn to be a innovator or inventor by looking into an opportunity to find the hidden opportunities 👍