Indolent Person!
A man by the shrine!
I alighted the bus at the last stop nearer to a shrine!
It was an auspicious day as per the custom of the deity at the shrine and hence there was a large gathering of devotees!
It ever amuses me to observe these people at their heels, running around like a duck that lost its focus!
God inside the shrine ain't going anywhere and then why the hurry!
Anyways I shifted my focus on my purpose of visit to the shrine, which is to pray and plead to God for mercy and benevolence!
As I walked to the shoe rack to leave my pair of shoes, saw a person sitting on a rusted chair and staring at the ceiling!
He was oblivious to the commotion around and appeared as a recluse!
I entered the shrine and spent close to an hour of spiritual time to find solace but my wandering mind refused to abide and hence I exited the shrine!
As my pondering mind was preoccupied with finding the reason for my inability to focus on the spiritual path
I missed noting the presence of this man on the rusted chair and I went about wearing my shoes and leave to board a bus!
The cough by the man brought my attention and I was a bit bewildered to find him in the same posture, still staring at the ceiling!
Curiosity took the better of me and I casually enquired about his whereabouts!
He glanced at me, nodded, and said 👉 am a native of this place and have been around for 40 + years!
His answer to my next question about his profession stunned me because
He said that every morning 🌞 he will come to occupy this chair, sit till the late evening hours and go back home 🏠
Speechless, I bid him goodbye and walked to catch my return bus!
For sure this world 🌎 is full of funny people and this guy probably tops the list!
I found my prayers answered and felt a bit more energetic because I am certainly a shade better than this halfwit!
Now I understood why God chose to stay inside the shrine 👉 To keep His distance from these guys 👦