It all began from them
👉 the lovely couple in the picture
Ancestors, if traced will go all the way to the first couple on earth
Hence we limit our focus up till three generations and in that arithmetic
Our grandfather and grandmother in the photograph are our origin
Village life and agriculture as professions was trending in their times which they also followed as lifestyle
I am still intrigued at how a dozen humans lived happily in a tiny 650 sq ft space which they termed as home 🏡
Out of 1/2 a dozen child births, only three brothers lived to see the daylight and grew up as healthy village folks
The first family person who migrated to a happening city became the motivator for the rest of them to follow his footsteps
As each of the brothers entered into wedlock, the family tree began to grow branches and shot a few aerial roots like a Banyan tree
Each of these aerial roots found the soil and began to grow as independent trees but remained connected and part of the parent tree
Today the youngest in this lineage shall proudly call them as the fourth generation and collectively the family members will easily form a large group of 50 +
Imagine if the entire family members chose to live under one roof, then each day would be a funfair of a different kind
It's a wonder what a century stands to witness, like beginning from just one couple to dozens of couples who carry forward the values founded by this beautiful couple
Few family members have left this world to join the grandparent couple at Pitru loka and they all may visit us in Atma swaroopa during the forthcoming Mahalaya paksha
True that a 1/2 dozen of the living family members are closer to taking their journey to Pitru loka and another 1/2 dozen are getting ready to board the wedding wagon to fill the gap left by senior members to keep the tally of the total family members
Life indeed is a cycle and who knows, this beautiful couple who founded this family lineage might rejoin the family as the 5th generation?
As I write this, a thought popped
'would the 5th or 6th generation go back to live in the villages as how this beautiful couple lived'
Quite a possibility since there's a growing preference among the younger generation to apt for rural life than the hassle of the city life
The life picture is going to be complete if this lovely couple in the picture take rebirth as the 5th or 6th generation and chose to go back and live in their village as how they lived a century earlier 🌿
Inviting family members thoughts on this line of thinking...