Joy is in moments of Life!
The passing cloud may not pour torrential rain but for the parched soil, it’s a blessing to quench its thirst!
The love and care shown by some people may remain for a short period still for a deprived heart, but it's a blessing!
For a wanderer in the desert 🏜️, a tiny oasis raises the hope of survival!
For a deserted person in life, the smile of a child raises the hope of a better life!
Building palaces may not retain joy at the heart forever but providing shelter for the deprived will!
Good deeds may pass like the passing clouds in the minds of the beneficiaries but it is sure to seed a better future for them!
The passing clouds seldom expect the soil's gratitude nor envy the torrential rain clouds ☁️
It just finds happiness in its deeds, however small it may be!
Our deeds, however tiny it is, counts as far as bringing happiness to our hearts ❤️
It's those small things in life that retain joy in our hearts more than the larger achievements!
Let's learn to live in those moments than to think of the bigger moments that we may or may not relish 🌱