Life is ever a learning path!
The root felt that the tree is standing tall and strong because of its support & supply of energy
The trunk felt that the roots and the branches are functional because it connects both and conducts the energy
The branches felt that the whole tree may not stand the climatic changes but for it providing the shade
The tree began to wonder since all these together only its termed as a tree and where was this question of who's is greater than the other
The politicians considered themselves as Saviours once elected
The corporates were sure of holding the reins of the government and the servants
The governing officials assumed that they were controlling and running the government
The public thought that but for them, there's no government nor the machinery
The Creator was amused to find the ignorance of humans since 👇
Humanity is a large tree where all the humans together work to keep the tree stand tall & strong
The moment of this realisation will be the moment of our self-awareness of our worth as an individual and our collective responsibility as humans
The dawn of this self-realisation will erase our ego and open the mind to understand that, learning is an ongoing process of life