Mind control exercise is meditation!
A branch hoping monkey will not rest in one place till it finds its food or to catch its breath
Our mind thoughts are much similar to these monkey tricks which keeps wondering
Unless the mind is made to focus on an assignment, the life purpose can't be fulfilled
The path to finding this mind focusing is by meditating
Like how drops of rain fill a pond, a few minutes of a day is spent on meditating, our mind will be filled with constructive thoughts
Treading on multiple paths may not walk us to our destined destination but the awareness of the right path will lead us to our chosen destination
Allowing the mind to wander on multiple subjects will never end in productive thoughts but exercising to focus the mind on the priorities will result in constructive and meaningful life
Each finger in our hands are defined to serve individual purposes but only by the collective efforts alone the hands are productive
Likewise, each of our thoughts may be unique but only by filtering the thoughts under the life priorities, productive thinking is defined
We master the skill of cycling by beginning with a foot on the pedal, a similar approach to upskilling the art of mediating by beginning to focus on a point/cause will elevate us as masters of meditation
Meditation is the divine medicine for mind wellness minus any side effects 🙏🏼