Mind Wandering!
The year 2021 said goodbye!
See when there is a goodbye the mind goes in the auto mode to rewind the past
The first quarter of the year 2021 raised the hopes of a solution to the pandemic efforts
The second wave crashed on the shores of humankind to belittle their hopes of a brighter future
Months of May, June and July of the year 2021 was much more testing than the previous unaccustomed wave
Millions of lives were lost and billions were rendered homeless
Like the morning dew that glitters like the sun ☀️ shine after the overnight downpour
The self-surviving traits of humans raised in time to rescue them from failing in self-confidence
Times passed, life returned to the daily grind and everyone tried their best to forget the past
Future was calling and those who learnt that only the fittest can survive, survived the pandemic past times
Human lifestyles revived to encourage billions to venture and that brought a dimensional shift in their mindset
No more the humans sought only their life gains but those of the others too
Vigorous, the human's progress went on the rapid growth mode and due to that many functional aspects were rescued from drowning
The New Year complemented the human's trust on time (kaala) to keep them hopeful of a bright year in 2022
The year 2022 is also promising humankind to keep their hopes alive and work to make their dreams come alive
All is not lost so long the hope for a brighter tomorrow engross the mind
A positive mindset seek to tap the doors of opportunity we're in the negative mindset will await the knock of opportunity at the door
Wise to open the doors than for waiting for the doors to open
See, an open door reveals and put to rest the wandering mind than the closed door which keeps the mind wandering
A wandering soul might never find the resting place but the soul that plans can find the eternal rest
Life will survive irrespective of who is alive, let's learn to respect Kaala (time) to self realise
None await for a happening on this world, it happens and humans evolve
Life is like that 👇
The mind took a short break from these lines of thoughts and began to focus on the agenda at hand
Because the next meal can't be earned just by thinking, needs the action to back up
Bye for now, let me connect with the next in line of thoughts in the next post 🙏🏼