My bad I missed the international daughter's day, that was as yesterday
But thankfully it made me write about my daughter today
On a saturday, thirty years earlier, an angel came into our life bringing tons of joy along with her
As she grew up, the bond in the family strengthened as she made sure to keep the spirits alive
There wasn't a single adventure outdoor activities that went without the little girl holding my hand
Active in sports and as well studious in studies, her childhood carved beautiful memories
Independent by nature, she builds her self reliant capabilities to mould her future as per her wishes
Some are born shrewd and she ably fits that role by paving a career path by overcoming multiple challenges
Challenges make some weak at heart and a few brave at heart and she chose to be brave at heart to challenge the 'time' that tried to turn her time hard
Life times enhanced the beauty of the bond between her and her elder brother and their relationship is glowing by the day
Leadership is a trait that comes naturally for some and she is in one among them which she often proves by leading the teams to grow in strength and skills
The trail of her career path is marked with milestones of achievements and hundreds of admirers who remain her wellwishers
Intentions maketh a person which is proven in her thoughtful actions and gestures that bonded many people to walk with her in the path of life and profession
Her mother who was lost in the world of unhappy moments, found the joy of life blossoming after she moved in with her daughter to live happily again
As I share my thoughts about my daughter, my mind is filled with the pride of writing about a warrior who stood steadfast in her resolve to face the situations of life and profession to build a bright future
There isn't a single day that passed without the thoughts of my daughter, though yesterday should have been a special day to connect better
Anyways, there's a longway on the highway of her life and profession to gain more miles and hence there will be more smiles on the way
Happy daughter's day 💃