Natures Worry!
For generations, these tribes were dwelling inside the forest and been coexisting healthily with the jungle life
The woman folks will collect the twigs, few herbs for medicinal purposes and at times manage the cattle
Men used to tilt the soil to cultivate mono-crops which normally form as a base for home-cooked gravy
They also hunt in groups for the meat, cut timber logs out of the fallen trees, source tall grass for the roof of their thatched hut
Raring the cattle is mainly the men's domain since the bovines need to be protected from the eyes of the jungle predators
All was well till the last fall when few outsiders visited upon, they came with loads of sweets, gifts and apparels
They also showed the bundles of currency stacked neatly in the currency case which value was alien to the tribals
They sweet-talked the tribals chief to fall into their trap of greediness and there begin the deadly habit of poaching for money and personal gains
Life and morale values tossed, the lifestyles of the tribals went modern, they lost ground with Nature and their generations migrated to the cities
Today if you walk into a tribal hamlet be not surprised to see the state of the art technology-driven gadgets and trending lifestyles
Somewhere down the line, Mother Nature had lost her human children to capitalism
She is looking for ways and means to amend this to bridge the gap of the ecological imbalances that had raised
Mother Nature is also trying to teach humans to coexist with Nature in a healthy lifestyle
Hope Her whisper is heard loud and clear by us before the whisper turns into a hurricane 🙏🏼