Next to my brother's house there's a fairly large area of open land, owned by an Pvt organisation
Located amidst posh surroundings, naturally this land is well secured with compound walls and guarded round the clock
Some six years earlier the management had generously thrown open the doors to encourage physical fitness activities
An elderly but well fit physical trainer had began this intiative under whose training, care and guidance
This once barren open land was turning into a place for perfecting one's physical stature and healthy lifestyle
Ably assisted by a young girl who is obvious of her passion for fitness, this activity has grown in numbers from
1 to 40 people whose age vary from 4 years to 65 years, ofcourse the fitness exercises too vary accordingly to best fit their age and physical ability
In one corner, someone else began cricket coaching which training also is benefitting 20 children
For sometime, football coaching too happened but probably the lockdown, locked down this activity
Since the beginning of these lively activities, whenever I travel to stay at my brother's house, my morning hours are active watching hours
See there's double benefit in this excellent arrangement -
1. Encouraging physical activities for younger generation
2. Maintenance of the property
I wish and hope many other barren, unused lands are also put to such good use which shall benefit the future generations :)
If there's one around your home, do encourage the property owner 👍