Nonstop Narrations!
Am sure most of us would have come across that person who amidst a group of people, speaks nonstop without bothering whether the rest of them are listening or not!
Such people are generally in a hurry to convey their thoughts because they worry that their conversation might be interrupted and hence speak without breaks!
By chance, another person manages to find a gap to share their thought, our person will make sure to grab the attention back by overriding the views of the other!
Any group conversations are meant to involve all the participants to share their thoughts and views to take forward the conversations in a healthy manner!
Especially in casual chatting, each member would wish to speak while also listening to others, because this is how mutual values are expressed and exchanged!
Shouting down the other speaker to stress our point of view will only stress out the group and ultimately, us!
If people wish to learn, they have multiple options, both offline and online and would probably prefer to join such sessions than spend their leisure time in preaching classes at casual chatting!
Speaking and letting others speak is the healthy way to build casual conversations and healthy relations!
*However knowledgeable we are, we must always remember to share such knowledge only when sought for and not at our will & wish 🙏