Rise & shine like the sun π
Early morning hours, standing at the seashore I let my mind roam around
It was just before dawn hours, the sand appeared a pale grey, the waves were crashing on the shore but I could only find the outline of the breakers though the noise was audible
The fishing trawlers in the distant horizon blinked to synch with the twinkling stars up in the sky which was losing its darkness
The tip of the fireball appeared at the horizon and gradually as the fireball (sun π ) raised
The curtain of darkness was removed to reveal the beauty of the ocean, the beach and the lives around
The day just began π
My mind connected with the glory of the sunshine, I pondered π
My skill, my smile, my style, my pile of thoughts were all suppressed by me like how the beauty of nature was screened by the dark hours
It took the sun to rise and shine to brighten the horizon which lifted the darkness and revealed the spectacular beauty of nature
Like the sun βοΈ, my mind must rise above my negativity to brighten and reveal my positive qualities which will bring out the beauty in me
Rise like the sun to brighten the horizons of our ocean of life to make our days bright and shiny ππΌ