Sacrifices of a few personal desires!
Responsibilities in life, I believe, begins with sacrifices of our desires which of those that do not tune in well with the standard tunes of human life
The path that I opt to tread on may not look like a path of wisdom to the near & dear in which case it would be wise on my part to self analyse the facts of the path and choose to skip that walk
Though I had generalised the statement, the sacrifices based on individual situations will differ and I assume that it is wise to forego a few of our desires in the larger interest of a harmonical living
The elephant on the path must be awaited to move away to its habitat for us to continue our walk on that path or we should choose an alternate path that will lead us safely to our destination
We are all well aware of the consequences if we opt to blindly walk on the path towards the elephant 🐘, ignoring the warning calls and signs of the elephant 🐘
Such elephants (desires) are often found in the walks of our life path (lifestyle) which we must realise in time to recognise the warning signals given by the actions of such desires and take self-adequate measures to self-correct
Life does demand few sacrifices to lead a responsible life as life is all about a healthy coexistence 🙏🏼