Self boundaries for Mind control!
We all know the consequences of a river if it overflows, it will breach to flood the lands
We all know the consequences of overeating, we will become obese and sick
We all know the consequences of heated arguments, relationships and friendships will sink
We all know the consequences of dishonesty, we will be sidelined by the society
Thinking, Eating, Working, Committing, Socializing, Human Relations, Expectations, Etc must be within limits to keep them healthy
Excess of these will lead to unhealthy life which will affect both the physical and mental well being
Lesser of these too will have a telling effect on our lifestyle leading to a stressful life
The self boundary is nothing but drawing a line of no crossing in our mind to keep all these in control
Constant practice will empower us to abide by mind control to keep all these within the set border and restraint from crossing the set limits
The self boundary is most required to set for greed but it is seldom kept from crossing the boundary, hence many of us face multiple complications in the later years
A very good question asked and I assume my thoughts are within the boundary of a healthy answer ๐๐ผ
๐ above content was my answer to a question on the need for setting self boundaries to lead a healthy life ๐