Son shines as Sun 🌞
I didn’t hear the first cry
But I did witness the radiance of divinity in the infants face
It is true that God is found in infants smile
This infant grew up as a smart boy with a natural ability to be liked by one and all
Multiple relocations of home during his childhood times forced him to adjust and adapt to different schooling
Which he braced and braved to emerge successful with honors and honour
Circumstances at home demanded him to care for himself and plan his future
By now, he was matured enough to face the challenges which enabled him to systematically plan and progress
His love and care for his younger sisters didn’t diminish a wee bit despite life situations and he always prioritised their welfare
Divine bless pure hearts is a saying which turned true in his life and he is happily married to another pure soul
He and his younger sister, together raised in time to support their parents who had no other means of living
As I write these words from my heart, I feel blessed to have a son like this young man
These days, his mother is more joyful in her life because of the love and care showered by her son & daughter’s
I missed hearing his first cry but he has never missed to make me comfortable and not cry
When there’s a son like him, we needn’t look up at the sun 🌞 to shine
Happy Birthday dear junior and I wish you everlasting happiness in your life and profession 🌿