Standing at the edge of the platform, 300' above from the ground
I felt the adrenaline rush, an increased beat in the heart and the bowls churning
Yes I was about to take my first Bungee Jumping right in the middle of the city
Organised by an adventure enthusiastic group at the large YMCA grounds
This event was to mark the beginning of a series of various adventure activities
To bring about an awareness on the benefits of adventure, as a sport
Thou I am bit conversant with the heights, this experience appeared altogether, slightly different
Post medical check-up and the custom drills to familiarise with pre jumping cautions
I along with an instructor used an makeshift elevator to reach the high-rise platform
After securing me with an harness and the bungee jumping cord, the instructor asked me to choose an option
Bit scarred of the heights for the first time, I chose to skip the jump which was politely turned down
& the instructor mentioned that the options are, either a forward or backward jump
I reluctantly opted for backward jumping which means I face the instructor while am slowly released to fall instead of jumping
That moment was so scarry I closed my eyes and felt the air rushing up due to my free fall
Ofcourse I was glancing thro the corner of my eyes and to my horror, the gap between me and the ground was rapidly reducing
Thank goodness the cord pulled me upwards well in time and after couple of bouncing, I hung suspended for the ground team to help me unfasten
To my great relief, my feet found the ground and my Soul thanked Mother Earth for bearing with me all along
By now I was totally ready for any further jumps, either backward or forward :)
It is said that "to fill the fear, kill the fear"
So it must be in head fast facing a fear that one can overcome a fear :)