The Jackfruit!
This summer the jack fruit trees were ripe with the fruits
The spines have softened indicating that the fruits have matured
Chandran yelled, hey where the hell have you all gone to, his wife Sharada replied, you are yelling so they chose not to be with hell
The pandemic affected the harvesting of the growth at the tender stage since the demand was very less
Normally the yield is sold as a vegetable at an early stage, the balance is left to ripe and sold as fruits
Even the usual traders who flock to lock the yield didn't turn up, Chandran had taken loans to extend their home from private lenders
He has already defaulted by four months, despite the situation, the lenders are exerting heavy pressure
The stress was unbearable since he wasn't used to answering lenders, even last night he had a conversation with Sharada
About selling the farmland to repay the loan and at least retain their home
Sharada volunteered to speak with the lenders since there were no buyers at a reasonable price
The lenders were expected any moment hence the stress level of Chandran was at a higher level
Sharada served tea to the four lenders, all from the same community and residing at the nearby town
She presented the facts on the table and told them that they may claim the harvest in lieu of the interest
And choose to either provide a moratorium period of 6 months to resume monthly payments
Or wait for 3 months for a one-time payment at a negotiated value
According to her, there isn't a third option of them seizing the mortgaged property as the government has classified this pandemic as a major catastrophe
The relief measures announced are adequate for repaying their loan through a public sector bank lending under the farmer's revival scheme
She also stressed that if the need arises they wouldn't hesitate to seek protection by representing the concerned law department
The message was heard loud and clear by the lenders hence they offered to wait for three months for a one-time settlement
Chandran's face brightened but Sharada reminded him that they are yet to secure the loan approval from the bank
They must follow up daily to get the loan sanctioned at the earliest and honour the commitment given to the lenders, in time
Sharada's smiled to herself, life too is like this jackfruit, hard at the top and delicious once opened
The sweetness of the fruit is in the skill of handling & peeling
The sweetness of life is in the skill of realising & living accordingly 🙏🏼