The thirst for knowledge drives a learner to search for the sources!
On average, say 14 hours are spent on personal needs by a person in their senior age
There's still another 10 hours to either while away or read, write and engage in productive works
Yet other mind-engaging options are, attending lectures, partaking in workshops, listening to musical programmes, enjoying cultural shows and participating in presentations on various subjects/topics
Bangalore International Centre aka BIC, founded by eminent visionaries and noble philanthropists is one such place where there's an abundance of knowledge sourced and shared through multiple events and programmes
As the wise saying goes 'What is learned is palmful but what is yet to learn is World full'
Knowledge has nil boundaries nor limitations and thankfully no law restricts an aspiring person from learning
'I know all' is a commonly found attitude that discourages a person from seeking knowledge and triggers the ego of the person when questioned
In reality, it's self-questioning that wakes up a person to realise their potential and strive to learn and grow
Senior age possesses an advantage in learning since there's ample free time to go in search of various sources that store multiple knowledge mediums
These searches also connect a person with like-minded people and pave the path to walking with wiser people
Knowledge learned will keep the mind and thoughts healthy and the search for knowledge sources, if the mode of local commuting is any other than automobiles, the physique too will remain fit
Feeding the mind is as important as feeding the stomach and in both cases, feeding healthy content keeps the person, healthy
Time, as we know, waits for none and at senior age, there isn't much time to squander, so take that bicycle 🚲 out and cycle your way to keep your mind and physique, wise & fit
*inputs are personal thoughts and don't indicate any standards at senior age life