suryanarayanan k
2 min readAug 9, 2021


The Trees!

The trees in the woods were casually talking!

The conversations ceased abruptly, the tall one among the trees whispered,
Hey did all you heard that noise?

The rest of the trees stood still, crooked their crowns and listened intently, yes the vibration could be more felt than the sound

Instantly they all recognised the source of the vibration and the noise 🔊

The nearby town was fast converting into a major industrial hub, the capitalist team was busy acquiring large tracts of land

Sooner on purchase, they send the men who are a bunch of skilled deforestation specialists

They roll in with the heavy equipment, all the paths these maniacs tread are devastated and left barren

Even the grass blades aren't spared, these bulldozers driven by the bull-headed men tilt the soil so badly

That not even an ounce of greenery is left to lift their heads to breathe, the entire woods vanish in no time

The wise one among the trees in the wood remarked -

Mother Nature sow us, She nourishes us and cares for all of us to grow into strong plants and trees

She also guides us to network, stay united and assist us in serving the purpose of inhaling carbon and exhaling oxygen

We remain breathing for the humans to breathe, we abide by the law of Nature and never raise complaints with the humans

But for all this, the ignorant, arrogant and ungrateful humans are cutting down all the trees and destroying Nature at their peril

Don't they realize that by their atrocious actions they are denying their future generations healthy livelihood?

The money they mint out of our destruction isn't going to provide them with the air to breathe!

All the trees sighed, reconciled to their as well human's fate and prepared themselves to face the axe 🪓

To cut down a tree is equivalent to cutting down our future generations breathing space

Mother Nature save us🙏🏼

