Thinking Patterns!
The way we look at ourselves is the way we will walk the path, let's self realize to stride the path of life π
Standing at the raging river bank I began to ponder on how to cross the river, looked around for boatman and not finding even a single soul around I decide to wait for others to arrive to cross the river as a group
This is normal thinking π
Standing at the bank of a raging river I began to form ideas in my mind on the various ways and means to cross the river, saw a tree trunk washed ashore, made my mind bravely to use this log to hang on, my hands as the oars and the legs as the tail fin
This is creative thinking π
The river was in spate, the floodwaters were very swift, thoughts of crossing the river and the need to be at the opposite banks within the next hour made me analyse the possibilities, I realised that without a boat or support from other humans, trying to cross either by steady walking or swimming will be a futile attempt so I decided to drop the idea of crossing the river till the water recedes
This is critical thinking π
Thoughts make our mind, let's mind our thinking to find the meaning of life ππΌ