suryanarayanan k
1 min readFeb 28, 2024

"Trust in you" and the future is yours

Branches get pruned for the tree to grow healthy

Restructuring in an organisation is a similar timely process to take the firm on a healthy path

So long the roots keep receiving water, the tree continues to yield fruits 🍒

So long as clients are kept satisfied to keep the cash register ringing, a firm continues to grow

Seasons change and Leaves may fall, branches may break and the yield may fall short, still, the tree stands tall because it trusts in its roots

Market situations change, team members may leave, challenges may break the willpower and sales can fall short, still, an organization sustains growth because the force behind trusts the vision and goal

Trees that remain firmly connected with their roots manage to sustain even severe storms

Organizations that remain firmly committed to their core values manage to sustain the turbulence of the business world

Monsoons may delay but the tree survives because of the water in the soil

Sales may slowdown but an organization holds together by the sheer dedicated efforts of its committed team

If a tree can wither the storms and sustain the floods to stand tall

An organization can also face situations and recoup to grow tall

Be like the tree and grow like the tree to yield better tomorrow

Trust in your vision, passion, perseverance, dedication and work with trust for a better future

Where there's Hope, there's a future 👍

suryanarayanan k

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