Two swords can't fit into the same sheath - a proverb which makes a lot of sense
Especially in the corporate sector careers -
A sheath is a protective cover for the sword and designed to hold only one sword
Hence the second sword 🗡️ will either fall off or tear the sheath
Thus the very purpose of the sheath is defeated -
In a corporate hierarchy, the team members are ranked as per relative professional status or authority
And each member perform their respective duties as assigned and are individually responsible
For their actions - thou the entire team work as a team :)
Independent and interdependent system is much encouraged in corporate careers
So long this system works, the functionality of the team as well individual members will be efficient
Inefficiency begin when any one single responsibilty is assigned to two different unlike minded member
Who's performances isn't coordinated, thus resulting in work & time loss which will tell upon overall performance and on the individual's
Hence a clear definition and upholding of the hierarchy is a must for united efforts
So one sword in a sheath fits well to carry around and as well to wield :)
What do you think ?