Walk the Path!
As I walked the path in the woods I unintentionally had stamped upon the grass blades disfiguring their beautiful green layer of natural carpet
The grass didn't complain rather educated me by its natural response of regrowing to form a lively natural carpet
The trees, The shrubs, The bushes, The plants 🍃, The other species in the woods frowned upon my ignorance
In the chorus, they communicated to me that as Homosapiens, they expected humans to be a bit wiser than them
They also highlighted that the grass blades strengthen the soil and assist the woods to weather the storms
I began to ponder, intentionally or out of ignorance, like stamping these grass blades I must have stamped many lives in the course of my life
Disfigured their lifestyles, causing mental agony and unlike the natural grass 🍃 they might have had a tough time to regrow
Similar to the woods, we humans too hold respective values, add strength to humanity and assist in weathering the storms of human life
The pandemic period set an example for the display of such humanity and together we are all striving to exit these lockdown times
Thanks to the grass 🍃 am a bit wiser to the nuisances of everyday human life and will watch my future steps 🚶