What's thankfully missing in Dubai?
If you are from a country where robbers and beggars roam around free because of corrupt officials
If you are from a country where robbery and beggary are organised and professional occupations because of corrupt officials
If you are from a country where robbers and beggars arm twist the law of the land to walk free because of corrupt officials
If you are from a country where an honest citizen can't raise their voice against the syndicates that operate robbery and beggary because of corrupt officials
If you are from a country where it is difficult to differentiate between a politician and a robber or a bureaucrat from a beggar because of corrupt minds
Then, if you ever land in Dubai and live here for a few days - you won't be able to believe your eyes since
In this magical city there are NO robbers nor beggars, if you don't believe me
Read the laws of this land and you will understand that this beautiful place is 100% corruption free too
Hence the rules and laws make sure that Dubai is free of Robbers Beggars and the Corrupt
Dubai indeed is a place to live peacefully 🌿