Work your way up 👍
The toad inside a well heard noises from above, the toad was amazed because till that moment the toad had heard only the sounds made by the fishes, the water swirling noise and by the other toads
This guy got curious and decided to investigate, the thought of hopping to the top has never crossed his mind, hence he had seldom made efforts to explore the possibilities of reaching the outer world
He saw those tiny circles of stones running in circles at evenly spaced intervals, all the way up to the top
He took a deep breath, hopped onto the nearest and the first step of the stone circle, hey it's so simple he felt
So the next hop was casual and blob, he fell back in the waters
He learnt the first lesson > focus
He hesitated to hop again and the more he thought about slipping to fall the lesser the confidence of succeeding was
He learnt the second lesson > self-confidence
Once realised, he regained self-confidence and began to hop and climb again
This time he stayed focused on the mission, took short breaks at each step up and resumed hopping up
Few more circles of steps to climb but the toad was exhausted, he looked down and was startled to find the water body deep down
It was clear that either he manage to cover the remaining height and emerge victoriously or risk the fatal fall
He learnt the third lesson > perseverance
He made a sign of crossing his fingers, let out a mild whistle, croaked to clear his throat and hopped
Hooray, he succeeded to land on the higher step and felt real good
He learnt the fourth lesson > self-trust
The remaining steps were a cakewalk and he hopped out of the well to find the source of the sound and his mission was completed
A toad in the well finds the well as the world until the toad pursue to hop off the well to find the real world
We too must make efforts to hop out of our well of self-doubts to find the world of self-trust and self-reliant
One step at a time we can climb great heights once we self realise to restore our self-confidence 🙏🏼