Youth mind distractions!
While inserting the thread inside the eye of a sewing needle, the mind must synch with our eyes vision to focus
Else the repeated attempts to successfully insert the thread will fail
So are life goals which are either self-set or set by the situations in life
The racehorses 🐎 will have blinders to keep them focused on the track and this is done not to harm the animal but to encourage them to stay focused on their mission
Such mind blinders can keep the mind from wandering away from the core values to achieve the set goal
Anything in excess will become poisonous including money hence it is wise to guide the youth on the nuisance values of high exposure to media, inclusive of the illusionary beliefs
Once bitten, twice shy is the life lesson that is generally learnt in the course of our lives which many of us must have experienced either at our early ages or at the later part of life
Youth minds are sharp and they grasp very fast hence guidance with a few practical demos in time will assist them to remain focused on their goals
The adolescent to youth transition times are the most vulnerable periods during which stages the mind becomes prone to unwanted influences
At these ages, it would be a task to differentiate the good from the bad hence a little bit of timely exposure to the pros and cons of life will educate the youth to self guard to prevent from falling a prey
Like the tiny knife which can take away a life or give life depending upon the hands that hold it
Exposure to the online world can also make or break a youth depending upon their take of the world
The illusionary effects of these media on the minds of the youth nudge them to go daydreaming about their self abilities
This I find has the major distraction for the youth to stay on course to achieve their goals
Baking a cake can be taught but a tasty cake 🎂 is baked only by self-efforts of the passionate baker
Passion is a cure for the mind that is addicted to illusionary beliefs as the passionate mind will overcome the diversion to fall in line with the progressive path
All humans are passionate about one or the other skills/causes and inspiring the youth to self identify their passion is the best way to guide them away from the distractions 🙏🏼